Shhh!!! How to dampen outside noise in your apartment

  |     |   Helpful Tips

With so many of us working from home during the days, you may have discovered that your apartment or townhome isn’t quite as peaceful as you thought it would be when you first moved in. Whether your issue is noisy neighbors or simply the rush and hustle of the world outside your personal space, there are several ways to regain your peace and quiet (and one to try if those don’t work!) Read on for our best tips.

1. Absorb the sound with a few fantastic décor hacks

Sound loves empty spaces and flat, hard surfaces, so if your apartment is extremely minimalist, there are a few quick fixes that will provide you with instant relief. With the simple addition of furniture, throw rugs or pillows, or carpets to your floors, you’ll be amazed at how quickly the decibel level drops, even if the sound that bothers you is coming from outside your home.

2. Invest in earplugs and/or white noise devices

While this tip isn’t a foolproof solution, it can help take the edge off, especially as you begin your quest for a more serene space. Today’s noise cancelling headphones are remarkably effective even at lower price points, and phone apps or white noise machines designed to help you sleep peacefully can help you get the rest you need (which will help you be more productive once morning comes.)

3. You’ve heard of blackout curtains? They work for sound, too.

Heavy drapes aren’t just for minimizing light anymore. Check out curtains designed specifically to limit sound for rooms such as your home office and bedroom. While they’ll certainly help shut out noise, you’ll find they’ll also reduce light and conserve your heat/air conditioning, depending on the season. Another option is to use a door draft stopper at the base of your office door or front door.

4. Bring in the experts—contact your rental management team

If the noise that you’re dealing with on a regular basis isn’t due to forces outside your apartment community’s control—traffic noise or construction work, for example—but instead is the result of particularly noisy neighbors, do *not* attempt to solve this problem on your own. Chances are, if you’re distracted or annoyed by your louder-than-reasonable neighbors, other renters in your building are as well.

What to do? Contact your apartment management team and ask them to step in on your behalf, for the good of the entire community. In many cases, your rental manager will be able to speak with the noisy neighbor about toning things down, especially during work hours or late at night, and you won’t be drawn into a one-on-one confrontation over noise (which we never recommend). You chose your apartment home because you were looking for a fantastic place to live that allows you to work and relax in a supportive environment. If you’ve tried all the tips above and still are finding yourself losing sleep or work hours due to your neighbor’s noise levels, let your apartment management team know that you’re losing sleep (or productive work time)—they can take matters from there.

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