Stuck in your apartment? Try these boredom-busting ideas!

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Whether you’re in quarantine because you’ve recently traveled or had interaction with a sick person, or you’ve been sick yourself, or simply because you’re heeding governmental and medical professionals’ suggestions, keeping busy in your apartment can be a challenge. While there are lots of ideas on the internet for ways to break the boredom cycle, here are some you may not have considered!

1. Learn that one thing

We all have things we wished we’d taken the time for—knitting, cooking, mastering a new language, reading all the classics, learning to write a book, making art—the list is overwhelming. But take the time now to whittle it down to three things you feasibly could do during your “downtime”… and then take a few hours a day to try out each one for size. You’ll find out really quickly if you truly have a passion for learning French or if that is still a “maybe someday” idea, vs. another subject that feeds your soul. After you’ve test driven your three most likely options, choose one…and commit to spending a set time every day pursuing it. It could be thirty minutes—it could be three hours—but whatever minimum amount of time you can spend, make a pledge. This could be the start of a brand new hobby, passion project, small business or lifestyle change!

2. Ramp up your self-care game

You know how you’ve promised yourself you’d give yourself a makeover, finally learn how to use that “beachy wave” haircurler you bought, or sort the half-dozen facial products you’ve purchased over the last several months but never tried? This is the time. Whether you’re interested in starting a yoga, spiritual or meditation practice, exercising on a daily basis, creating a customized skincare routine or even simply walking in the fresh air while giving thanks for your health and future possibilities, making a conscious effort to improve your self-care will pay dividends long after life returns to its usual hectic pace.

3. Spark apartment joy


This one is probably not surprising, but it absolutely should be on your list. There has never been a better time to go through your apartment and decide what you truly need, and what someone else could possibly use more than you. Check to see what charitable organizations are still open and accepting donations, and determine what you’re able to part with in order to open up space in your home. If you have items that you would be embarrassed to give away, but which no longer make you happy, this is your permission to throw those items away. Just do it! You’ll open up space and energy in a time where both are rare commodities.

4. Become an ambassador of hope

Now more than ever, people are in need of those who are willing to reach out either online or via snail mail. As nursing homes and other care facilities shut their doors to visitors, a great many people are alone and probably scared, cut off from outside contact in a time when they need it most. Contact your local nursing home (or church, or community center) and ask if there’s some way you can help by sending cards and notes to those who may not have anyone contacting them. Don’t worry about saying the perfect thing—any positive, caring message will help, to let the recipient know you’re thinking about them. You will do more with a simple, cheerful card than you can possibly realize.

Beating boredom takes effort, but it’s effort that is well worth it! Here’s hoping you find an activity or passion that becomes an important part of your life, and that you remain healthy and safe.

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